A ghoulish article hoping for the worst. A new and super deadly strain that is going to get us all. The gods will strike down the unbeliever, oh yes. You'll see.
Man, I am tired of this doomsayer crap. What tells you that Omicron is the deadliest variant? There's very little information so far, and what we have heard is South African scientists in the thick of things down there saying the cases were all very mild.
If this is true, Omicron is not bad news, it is the BEST POSSIBLE news. It's what we've been hoping for--a contagious and mild variant which out competes the more virulent strains. It is God's own natural vaccination program that will finally grant immunity to everyone and obsolete these feeble vaccines and the jackass politicians trying to force everyone to take them.
In article after article you can just see the authors rubbing their hands together in glee as they predict the death of millions, especially those who for whatever reason were unable or unwilling to get vaccinated. If you are so eager for the End, then find a volcano to jump in and let the rest of us find a way out of this problem that doesn't involve mass death and the destruction of the economy and liberty.