Am I the only one here who thinks this was a dangerous thing to do?
This administration is getting wild. In the space of six months they have goaded the Russians into attacking Ukraine, sanctioned Russia and stolen their foreign reserves (something nobody has ever done before) and burdened our European allies with the consequences of sactions which may well shut down their economies.
Not satisfied with encouraging Russia to trash Ukraine, they then turned their attention to China to see if they could spark a war and get Taiwain trashed, and maybe even get a nuclear war going.
Domestically, they decided to throw gasoline on our internal divisions by raiding Trump. Regardless of how you feel about him, this was not wise.
Everyone keeps thinking that there will be some sort of uprising from the dumb right wing militias the FBI has so thoroughly infiltrated. That's not the danger.
The danger arises from the states. What if, as seems likely, the right decides the 2024 election was rigged? And what if this time the red states refuse to certify the election? There will be a president, sure, but some percentage of the states will not recognize him. What then?
That is similar to the pattern of the civil war and an entirely plausible scenario. Brush up on your civil war history. We do NOT want that to happen again.
And oh, I know, everyone around here is a liberal and they figure the FBI (which is much more a political beast than a law enforcement service) is following the law and they're ready to get on their high horse so they can see the man they hate so much finally rot in jail.
And people figured that Ukraine was within its rights to give Russia the finger and they think Taiwan has a right to self determination. And they do, but that doesn't make their actions and ours smart or wise.
If I could think of a TV show that illustrates what happens when good people do stupid things, it would be Game of Thrones. Let's not be Ned Stark. The real world is unforgiving of mistakes.