America is becoming fascist, but you're looking at the wrong people.
Benito Mussolini did indeed describe fascism as the union of the state and corporations. He didn't say it had to be right wing, however, so let's just defer to his expert opinion and stick with the basic formula. "All within the state, nothing outside the state, nothing against the state."
It is true that the Supreme court is 5-4 conservative, and every now and then they throw them a bone after dithering over an issue for a generation or two.
But...congress is controlled by the democrats, and so is the White House. Federal prosecutors are now Biden appointees. The vast unelected portion of the permanent administrative state largely votes Democratic and D.C. itself is overwhelmingly Democrat.
That covers the State--Democrat. How about corporations? Harder to pin down, so let's use the Forbes list. Let's see...oh! It says here that 9 of the top 10 billionaires are big Democrat contributors.
Hmm. So the State is Democrat, and the billionaires are Democrats. Corporate media is largely a Democrat affair with just Fox News and the WSJ as holdouts.
So at the national level, I think it's clear the Democrats are in charge of both the State and the Corporations. Now, are they fascist?
I think the answer is somewhat. They're not there completely there yet, but some elements are. CNN and NBC have an infestation of ex FBI and CIA agents working openly on the payroll. It's disturbing. They write articles and even read the news to you on TV. That's fascism.
And we all know about the Democrat controlled tech companies with their direct censorship and stealthier data manipulation and spying. They are firm allies of the Democrats.
Are they authoritarian? You betcha. 1.8 million people in jail. There are currently 7 wars currently underway that most people don't even know about. America has ringed Russia and China with military bases and creep ever closer year by year, risking nuclear annihilation for reasons no sane person would agree with.
Why go to bat for these people? They're the rich and the powerful, and they ain't your pals. You think some goofballs wearing viking horns are going to seize control of the mightest military empire the world in a some kind of lightning coup? I sure don't.
The nasty, fascist authoritarian government you fear is largely already here, but it is mostly populated with Democrats. They censor, they jail, and they make war. With a flourish of his pen, Biden could stop the wars, release the prisoners, and call the troops home, permanently removing the specter of nuclear war that always dangles overhead. But he doesn't.
Why do you think that is?