Crypto's enemies in government will use any Russian behavior which takes advantage of crypto to attack it, of course, but you can't finance a government on crypto yet. It's small potatoes. Russia has been preparing for this war for years and that means they have set up financial channels and currency swaps with friendly countries like China.
That detail won't stop crypto opponents from attacking it, but crypto has got friends now in government, so it is not as simple as it seems. Note that Ukraine has used crypto as a means of direct funding and have been promoting two wallets to send funds to.
Finally, I'd like to point out that the true purpose of crypto is not just to get rich quick, but to provide money that can't be revoked or diluted by government decree. It doesn't ask for government permission to exist, which is why some people in government detest it so much.
Government can slow it down, but they probably can't stop it. Government behavior is actually the source of crypto's strength, much like outlawing drugs supports the price of the drugs. They inflate their currencies, steal money from people's accounts, and restrict the use of their money in a thousands different ways. This drives people into the alternatives. If government would just behave itself there would be no need and no desire for crypto.
And I say good! Government is a plague upon the Earth. A pox. A communicable mental disease. And crypto is one of the cures.