Stainless Steel Mouse
1 min readMar 8, 2022


Finally some common sense.

Ukrainian resistance is what will help bring the Russians to the table with more reasonable demands. Every day Russia loses more men and materiel. The sanctions are fearsome and they will become grinding.

But Ukraine must not lose and surrender or Putin will be in a position to dictate terms, and you're not going to like them. A Ukrainian loss means they don't have as much leverage at the table. The time to compromise and make peace is right now.

The general Russia terms are Ukraine swearing neutrality, recognition of Crimea as Russia, and independence for the Russian speaking provinces. In return, Ukraine keeps its sovereignty. These terms can be had NOW, but only now.

If Putin wins, he can do anything he wants and take his time about it. He will surely hunt down everyone who has defied him and install his own puppet government. Yes, there will be an insurgency, maybe for years. But does this sound like a positive future for Ukraine?

Perhaps this is impossible. But the negotiators must try. Failure means a dark future for Ukraine.

On the positive side, I do not believe that Putin wants more than Ukraine. He is not strong enough to take more. This isn't going to be 1938 again. There is no way Europe and America are going to stand by and watch him gobble up countries like Hitler without a fight, nuclear weapons or no.



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