Gold and silver make a lot of sense. Gold is a more pure play because it is NOT an industrial metal, only monetary, and because lots of foreigners are kind of disinterested in silver. It's not to say silver can't do well.
Nobody really knows when gold will finally make its move, but I suspect it won't come from inside the Western powers where they can manipulate the price. It will come as a result of events in foreign countries. An announcement from China, for example, in which they back or partially back their currency in some way by gold. Basically they'd set a price in yuan that's above the market price and start sucking gold out of Western markets through an arbitrage process that leaves the gold trading houses dry. It's hard to set the price of gold when you do have any at all.
Bitcoin and a few other crypto currencies like Monero will have a place in all this, but gold is the ultimate hard currency. Physical gold tells no lies and has no quarterly reports. Most of the rest of the crypto space is the worst kind of worthless trash, pure grift in dire need of some creative destruction.