Stainless Steel Mouse
1 min readJul 18, 2021


Great article!

It's a blind spot, like seeing a phantom out the corner of your eye that is never there when you turn to look.

I think preferences for one interpretation over another is a question of how a person see or hopes the underlying truth of reality to be. A deterministic universe suggests that we live in a giant clockwork mechanism in which every event is exactly what it had to be, cause and effect leading all the way back to the beginning, if such a thing even exists.

This means you have no free will. Everything you do is just a result of a web of causes leading all the way back to the First Cause. Ethan had to write this article, and I had to write this comment in exactly this way, right down to this period right here -->. There was no chance it could have happened any other way because...there is no such thing as chance.

An indeterministic universe leaves the door open for free will. Personally, this is the underlying reality I hope we live in. The question is, can I choose to hope, or am I just a robot who thinks it is alive and has no choice but to think that it hopes?



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