He could also be someone who listened carefully to the evidence and came to reasonable conclusions.
CO2 is not a global control knob for temperature. It is responsible for some warming, but there is a diminishing return on gain of heat as the concentration rises. There have been times in the last 100 million years where CO2 was completely uncorrelated with global temperature, and other times where it was.
Given that these runaway heat scenarios are not at all certain to occur, we should think twice before we take measures which could cripple our economy and make us uncompetitive in world markets.
Developing nations are truly not going to do a thing about climate change. There is no Sierra Club in China and they would be arrested if they started a chapter there. Not in your wildest dreams will India, Russia, Brazil, China or Indonesia limit fossil fuel use and fail to develop their economies. They are not all going to lay down and wallow in poverty just to make a bunch of western environmental fanatics happy, although they may tell you what you want to hear so you'll leave them alone.
And if they aren't going to do anything about it you are tilting at windmills. I'd have more sympathy if I thought you were right about climate change, but I think you're wrong, so I'm rooting for the BRICS.
May they defeat poverty and the domineering rule of the imperial Western powers.