Stainless Steel Mouse
2 min readAug 10, 2022


I am glad umair has hightlighted authoritarianism in america. The democrats have the presidency and both chambers of congress and have led us in to the dark night of fascism. They control most of the media and the big tech companies. The universities are overwhelmingly liberal bastions. These authoritarians have complete control of our system of government and our important institutions.

And the wierdest thing is they've bamboozled millions of people into thinking they are the underdog! People think conservatives are in charge when the dems have 100% control over the apparatus of the federal government.

And oh, these fascists are clever! They managed to get people to BEG for more authoritarian policies. Lockdowns, forced vaccines, billions of dollars of foreign military aid, even war with China is on the table.

America has the world's largest prison population by percentage of population and in sheer numbers. The president, or any governor can pardon all the non violent drug offenders with the stroke of a pen. But none of them do it. Why?

It's not hard. All that senile old man has to do is find a piece of paper and write "i pardon all non violent drug offenders" on and sign it. But he doesn't do it because he wants them in prison. He likes them there. He is an authoritarian. A fascist. And so are all the other governors, liberal and conservative alike.

People have been fearing the rise of fascism for generations, but now that it is here they can't seem to recognize it. It is right in front of your face. The democrats are even worse than the republicans.

You can close your eyes and deny it all you want, but you can't deny the power of the pardon. The old man helped put all those people in jail when he was senator, and he keeps them there as president. He likes it. It is his policy.

And it is the policy of every governor in every state. Cowards at best, but really mostly authoritarians and fascists at heart.

Stroke. Of. The. Pen.



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