I DID read it.
It is full of emotional words like mass murderer, psychopath and extremely bellicose policy prescriptions like submarine attacks and other forms of direct military conflict that no American administration has dared try against Russia since they acquired nuclear weapons, not even the darkest depths of the Cold War.
There has been a long held understanding on both sides that this sort of thing is not to happen under any circumstances. That's why Russia stood aside while we bombed Syria and invaded it. They watched us bombed Serbia with rage, but still did nothing. And we watched them invade Georgia and did nothing. The Soviet Union controlled all of Eastern Europe and Germany for decades, ruling with an iron fist and much cruelty. Still, we never attacked them.
The only thing either side has ever done is send aid to those unlucky countries while the other side did the fighting. If we sink those Russian ships, Russian boys are going to the bottom at our hands, probably recorded and played in an endless loop on Russian TV.
What response, exactly, do you think the Russian people will have to that? Will they just shake their heads sadly and withdraw from Ukraine? Will they wring their hands and do nothing? What would WE do about it if the roles were reversed?
They most certainly will NOT do nothing. You think Putin is a psychopath. What would a psychopath do about it? How about light off a tactical nuke on an America military base? The American reply would be to respond in kind. But Putin the psychopath isn't afraid to risk it all on one throw, is he? Next he fires his nukes over the north pole or uses his nuclear subs in hopes of a quick knock-out blow to obliterate the American menace once and for all.
Can you not see how dangerous this is? Not even our most stubborn and war-like presidents have ever initiated such an action.
Rational actors can be negotiated with, and crazy ones must be handled. Either way, testing their resolve with a military attack is madness.