I haven't seen war first hand but I fear it. You can see it on youtube going on in Ukraine and it is terrible.
We are divided on many issues. Someone's good law is someone else's outrage. Media fans the flames of passion.
The solution is federalism. The states were set up to be mini countries with free travel and trade between them. They can be like that again.
Withdraw power from Washington and invest it back in the states. It is much easier to get what you want from your state than the federal government. If your state doesn't suit you, move to another state.
We have few issues that divide us which are intolerable like slavery. We can live as one country without fighting each other over things like abortion or what to teach our kids by letting people get their way in their own states.
There are some issues which would remain like immigration and foreign policy, but I don't think those issues so divisive that we would fall to fighting over them.