I think the administration and their war hawk buddies want the war.
They wanted the proxy war with Russia, which is why they ignored Russia's clear warnings. Probably their reason was they thought they could crush Russia with sanctions, which is a goal they have had for a long, long time. It took awhile, but sustained provocation on Russia's border finally did the trick.
So again they are doing something clearly designed to provoke China into action. They'll get some sort of response--The Chinese at this point must do something to save face--but what exactly is unclear.
If China doesn't start an all out war over this, the hawks will keep provoking until they get one. Loudly recognizing Taiwain ought to do the trick.
The question is why? Does the administration intend to treat Taiwan like Ukraine and only send them weapons? That won't go over well with America's allies. It will be proof that America's promises are worthless and the end of the empire.
Or does this mean that America intends to face China in a straight-up naval war over Taiwan? How will that play out? Can America actually defeat the large Chinese navy so close to their home? How effective will the Chinese anti-ship missiles prove? Can America and China actually tolerate watching tens of thousands of their boys go to the bottom without resorting to nukes?
What on Earth could be so important as to risk such a conflict? Avoiding the conflict is as simple as canceling this trip and closing their yappity mouths on the subject of recognition. Isn't that better than risking losing a naval war with China, the destruction of Taiwan, the lives of the sailors and a possible nuclear war?
Is there anything at all to be gained by this action?