Stainless Steel Mouse
2 min readJun 17, 2022


"If five percent appear to small, be thankful I don't take it all." --Taxman, The Beatles

One group of natural Bitcoin haters are the goldbugs. Bitcoin steals some of gold's thunder and they resent that. Personally, I think there's a place for both, but they are in some competition.

Skpetics are not necessarily Bitcoin haters. They're doubters, and that's natural.

Non-goldbug haters, on the other hand, usually hate bitcoin and gold together because both they stand in the way of the haters' plans. If you like big government, gold and bitcoin disrupt your efforts to collect massive taxes and spend other people's money on your own dreams, desires, and preferences.

Oh, sure, the haters will claim that if the people in a Democracy demand that you give them all your hard earned money then that's fair and square. We voted, and them's the rules. But we all know that our democracy is kind of a dubious construct, and the same people and same rules mysteriously persist from election to election no matter who is nominally in charge.

In practicality we can see the government is a predatory and very hungry beast that is desperately over its head in debt and intent on stealing everyone's money by way of the printing press. They'll steal it all if they can, and the only way to preserve what little money you have is to keep it in precious metals or Bitcoin.

So protect yourself and use this massive Bitcoin drop to your advantage. Pick up some gold, too. Turbulent times ahead.

P.S. I think Monero has a future because of the very important privacy feature. The rest of the Very few of them will survive. Be very, very careful.



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