Stainless Steel Mouse
2 min readMar 25, 2022


If you think those labs are innocent, I've got a bridge to sell you...

I want that shit GONE. I don't care if it is a "Republican talking point" or if Trump said it or Putin or the Devil himself. Fuck the political parties, fuck politics and fuck the "experts". I want them gone, gone gone.

The war has nothing to do with the biolabs, it just highlighted their existence. There are a lot more suspicious labs around the world, and some of them are there to circumvent and hide from laws and scrutiny in the U.S.

When Bat Lady pried open Pandora's box at our bidding she let loose a relatively mild yet vexing plague that troubles us two years later. The next one might not be so nice.

There are a variety of ridiculous excuses floated for research and "gain of function" experiments on these pathogens: "Oooh! Here's a new version of the flu that kills pigs with a 50% fatality rate! Let's try and get it to infect human cells and see what happens! We, uh, need to do this so we'll be ready in case someone know, someone gets this flu to infect human cells and it gets out."

Yeah. And to any idiot researchers, spooks or random military officials out there who still has a sample of smallpox in a lab refrigerator, I would like to send you a good, hard slap in the face. With love. Throw it in the incinerator.

I completely reject any horseshit excuses for this sort of research. We should investigate and punish everyone involved in the Covid debacle. A trial at the Hague. Make the punishment and the law SO clear that anybody understands this research is beyond the pale. You can't do it in a foreign country. You can't do it because you are a soldier, or in the CIA, or it is a super secret government program. If we find out we'll try you in the Hague and hang you on TV. That's the kind of law we need.

So yeah, Greene is goofy but she is dead right here. And nothing she is going to suggest goes far enough for me.



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