Stainless Steel Mouse
2 min readJan 3, 2022


It's climate change now, not global warming. The warming didn't happen according to schedule, so now any change in the weather is climate change. Neat trick, no?

It looks like Omicron might derail the Pandemic, so they'll need something new to go after and climate change "deniers" fit the bill, so watch out! Heretics will be punished. Just look at the level of anger to this article in the comments.

Now, for you climate change believers, you should consider whether the energy you put into supporting climate change politics and the wasteful and destructive policies that will ensue are worth it. China, India and Indonesia will never ever ever do anything about curbing their emissions. It is absolutely not in their interest. Without their support, the whole of the West could turn 100% to solar tomorrow and it wouldn't make much difference.

This is an issue that cannot be won. Even your own politicians don't really think it can. They mouth the most pious platitudes about saving the planet from climate change, then board their private jets and fly them to climate change conferences. It's almost like they're laughing at you...

Why not turn your attention to other, more winnable environmental causes? Plastics are very troublesome and don't get enough credit for the damage they cause. Poorer countries use plastic like there's no tomorrow and they don't need to. A campaign to get them to stop might help.

Stop banging your head against the wall. China is building coal plants at the rate of about one a week. Other countries are adding coal plants with gusto. You should ask yourself why you spend energy trying to persuade (or just yelling at) people who refuse to drink your kool-aid when there are other, winnable environmental causes at hand.



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