It's legitimate to believe the preponderance of the evidence points to natural origins, and Ethan certainly worked hard on this article. But for me, I cannot forget all of the "non-scientific" evidence we have pointing to a man made virus. You've got a virus that comes from bats coming from the same place they study bat viruses. You've got scientists who have stated plainly, clearly, and incontrovertibly on video that they were trying to make bat viruses infect human cells. And you have human hubris and error.
You also have your guilty behavior. Cover ups, destruction of evidence, Chinese stonewalling...the works. It looks like a duck, it quacks like a duck...I think it's a duck.
The actual science is arguable, and I'm not really in a position to judge what is likely and what is not. I do note that there are capable and even famous scientists who take different positions on the question of natural versus artificial origin. Since they don't really agree I can only turn to the absolute MOUNTAIN of non-science evidence that this virus was created in a Chinese lab with American money.