Stainless Steel Mouse
1 min readApr 4, 2022


It's not the Ostrich syndrome we should be worried about, it's the Chicken Little syndrome. There's a LOT of it going around these days.

Come on. Do a little checking around on your own. He's not saying there's no pollution or that it is not a problem. He's just saying we're not all going to roast to death because of CO2.

Have a look at the current numbers from reputable sources. Temperature has increased 1 degree C over the course of 150 years. Sea level is rising at a paltry 3mm per year. So in another 100 years you're looking another foot or so of water. I'll bet that people can find a way to cope with another foot next century. This is all if present trends continue, of course.

Destructive storms have been decreasing in number since the 30's, not increasing. There's still snow on Killimanjaro.

Have a look at the climate models and compare how accurate they were back in the 80's and 90's vs. today. All of them predicted much warmer temperatures, and they were wrong. You can't just keep pointing at a model that isn't working and expect it to suddenly start being correct. Something about those models is off.

At present, trends don't seem that scary. Weather isn't getting any worse and changes have been tiny.



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