Let's get one thing out of the way: I'm no expert on these matters.
The digital Yuan has already launched, but I don't think it has anything to do with gold. Remember that China has all kinds of ideas about money and most of them are BAD ideas. They like the power of manipulating their currency and are unlikely to give it up.
As the digital Yuan matures it will be possible for foreigners to hold digital yuan like they hold and spend any other crypto currencies. I have read that American authorities are quite alarmed about this development. They have zero control over it. They cannot stop it, they cannot see it, and they cannot take it from you. Worse, the Chinese can send you payment for whatever behavior they wish you to perform, and that cannot be blocked, taken, or seen by the American government.
Instead you join the Chinese tech stack. You are utterly subject to their whims, which could include all the horrors of digital currencies like programability, negative interest or behavior modification. The upside is that the Chinese could care less what some guy from Ohio thinks and you are unlikely to offend or irritate your Chinese masters in any way, which is one of the big dangers of holding digital currency issued by your own government.
On a pure survival level I'd suggest foreign digital currencies have some diversification value and protection from local government whims. It's not terribly patriotic, but by implementing a CBDC your government ceased being your protector and morphed into your master so you're justified in looking out for numero uno.
To take it a step further, owning a foreign CBDC may become a legal problem, so you'll need to account for that either legally or by resisting them on a technological level. We certainly live in interesting times.