Stainless Steel Mouse
2 min readApr 27, 2020


Me, I’m glad the censor is there. I never know what may come out of my mouth. Just the other day I reposted a chart on Facebook by Nassim Taleb showing how countries which mandated masks had a better outcome than countries which did not.

Now, this seems like common sense and it came from a pretty smart guy, so I was very surprised when it got stamped “fake news” by the FB censors, and all my friends laughed at me. How embarrassing!

It seems I hadn’t got the memo that masks don’t work. People shouldn’t wear them because hospital staff need them and they don’t work anyway, so don’t buy them. The hospital staff needs to wear masks that don’t work, not you. At least, that was what the surgeon general said the other day. So masks don’t work and here I was spouting off that maybe they did work. If it wasn’t for the censors, I’d have misinformed a lot of people!

The other reason we need censors is to help us keep up with truth updates. So I just saw another chart similar to the fake news I posted saying pretty much the same thing, and it was circulating freely on Facebook — real news, because it wasn’t stamped FAKE. I think now that masks do indeed work for both hospital staff and all of us…other people, too. So do you see? If we didn’t have censors, how would we know exactly when the Truth had changed? The censors keep the public honest!

I’m wondering, though if I reposted my original graph with Fake News stamped on it, would they stamp it twice? Fake-Fake news? Maybe I’ll try it and see what happens.



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