Most of what we make and use today is unnecessary and wasteful. Hauling a ton of steel 30 miles to work and back every day is wasteful. So are bank offices and all the infrastructure to support them. Bad movies. Consumer junk nobody wants.
And so are things that people actually want and enjoy. They aren't necessary, but we want and like them, and they cost energy. So why pick on Bitcoin?
It is a truism that people who hate Bitcoin either don't understand it or are threatened by it. People who love gold hate Bitcoin because it competes with gold. And people who love power hate bitcoin because it undercuts their power.
If you have plans for making other people live the way you think they should live, you probably hate Bitcoin. Bitcoin makes it harder to tax people and it makes it harder to simply confiscate their money or influence how they spend it. But most of all, it makes it much more difficult to simply create money out of thin air and use it to fund government.
At the moment, the government's trackless payroll is funded by money printed out of thin air. It is entirely unable to fund itself out of what could be taxed if it had to pay as it went, and if it can't print money it cannot survive in its current form. More than any other political group, progressives have big, beautiful plans for everyone else. Plans that will go up in smoke if the magic money printing machine breaks down.
So progressives hate Bitcoin. But their hate is misplaced since we are fast approaching the inflationary endgame and the death of the dollar. The debts are coming due.
The price of things like Bitcoin and gold are a symptom of our financial situation and bad government policy, not the cause. If government didn't print money, didn't snoop and interfere in people's finances, taxed reasonably and didn't block people from sending money to whom they pleased or try and confiscate their money then the price of gold would be low and Bitcoin wouldn't exist at all. The old banking system worked all right when government was behaving itself.
Instead, government does all those things and is intensifying its depredations. All those beautiful plans for running everyone else's lives are sliding into the inflationary fire and they lash out ever more desperately at the things they view as obstacles to their rightful rule. Soon all these tyrannical dreams will be ashes.
But take heart! When the whole shithouse finally goes up in chunks, at least we'll still have bitcoin and gold.