Much like the internet, crypto will route around the regulation, probably in the form of alt coins and decentralized exchanges. Regulators can ruin bitcoin or any specific coin out there, but they can’t ruin them all. Value will run away from them.
The reason crypto currencies exist is because the regulators and politicians can’t get their financial houses in order, and have resorted to money printing and capital controls to fund themselves. If they were asked, voters would never agree to the size of taxes necessary to run government and line the pockets of all those politicians and their buddies. So government resorts to money printing to extract the taxes at the desired levels. In a word: Theft.
These regulators do not deserve your respect or your cooperation, only your fear. They’ll take reduce us all to poverty before they’re through with the economy. Fortunately, we have gold and we have crypto curriences, the free market of finance. They can’t destroy these things any more than governments can destroy black markets.