Perhaps you shouldn't try.
Sweden made it through the pandemic as a middle of the road country with average deaths and debilitation, and they hardly lifted a finger to force people into lockdowns or force them to get vaccinated. They had some restrictions but they were light and sane.
If you can't explain why Sweden survived the pandemic without serious restrictive measures then you can't explain why we needed to implement such ruinous policies for ourselves.
Was it a plot to steal freedom? For some authorities, yes it was. They thrived on the attention and power, with reporters beating a path to their door every day. People hung on their every word and great masses of people who should have known better fell in line and shamed anyone who didn't. Hitler would have been proud.
But now that all that crap is done and the professional censors have moved on to persecuting Ukraine war heretics we can review what happened to us without getting shouted down or banned so quickly.
This was an episode of mass hysteria, the worst we have experienced in a long, long time. People are slowly waking up one by one and assessing the wreckage. We need to pick up the pieces and review which elements of our institutions went too far and set them right. We need to get to the bottom of exactly how much responsibility figures like Fauci had in the Wuhan lab debacle and pass laws to prevent dangerous eggheads like Peter Strzok and Bat Lady from opening Pandora's box again.
We can start by voting out the rascals who did this to us and who are protecting the guilty parties who caused the pandemic. If there was a viable third party we could vote for them, but there is only the Republicans so they'll have to do.