Russia is very obviously winning the war, something Western leadership should have predicted. A number of mostly retired military experts did predict a loss because they were free to speak.
The fact that mainstream news is beginning to avoid the subject is a form of evidence of the upcoming defeat--perhaps the best evidence. If Ukraine was winning, they'd be all over it.
The trouble is, the time for negotiation is coming to a close. It may already be too late. Russia is going to win, they are going to dictate terms, and the West is not going to like it.
Following the defeat there will be consequences. The sanctions have backfired. Rather than destroying Russia they have sparked a ferocious inflation that probably cannot be stopped. And China is threatening quite seriously to attack Taiwan.
Nobody is in the driver's seat. The American president is weak and getting pushed around by the war hawks on his cabinet and in congress. These dangerous fools are the primary driver that got this disastrous war started, and they must be removed from power before they can start any more.
We have to get our financial house in order before the whole shithouse goes up in chunks. Reign in the Empire, control the spending and engage in sincere diplomacy to prevent new wars. If we can't get these matters under control, God only knows what will come next.