Sounds like you're not much impressed with freedom. Maybe you have your own laundry list of things you want to make people do?
It's hard to say why some people value freedom and others don't. Maybe they like power or think they will one day have power. Lots of people seek power for the simple pleasure of giving orders and seeming them carried out.
Others don't value their own freedom and prefer to be told what to do and when to do it. Comforting, I suppose. These people usually think everyone else should do as they're told, too.
Polluting the environment: I can't just release poison into the air or water because that's hurting other people. It's reasonable to argue how much pollutants someone can release, but I'd err on the side of accepting some pollution rather than accepting none.
Owning something: Property rights should be protected, both to keep the peace and to recognize that someone put their time and a piece of their life into building or buying something. It doesn't matter if it could be used by someone to produce work. Maybe you own a car? Your neighbor could use it to drive uber and make money. Perhaps you should be REQUIRED to lend it to him whenever he asks...
Freedom of speech: American laws are pretty good about this. There are complicated and debatable rules about copyright and so on, but largely you can say whatever you want, and that's as it should be. There are consequences: Mainstream media already lies to you with great skill and vigor. It's up to you to sort it out. But this state of affairs is better than having some government agency policing what people are saying--and we're getting there with the essentially fascist cooperating between big tech and government to limit people's speech.
Liberty is not at all a zero sum game. It is a win-win game. Letting you spit on the Bill of Rights and express your distate for our tradition of freedom costs me little and gives me the God-given right to accuse you of being an authoritarian fascist bent on the destruction of everything it means to be an American.
See? We BOTH get what we want. Win-win!