That just about sums it all up. The first thing I think of when I see TV news in the standard talking head format is "lying sacks". I don't think there will ever come a time when I don't see it that way. I can't even listen to them. If they say it is raining, I gotta look out the window to be sure.
I don't know where it will all lead, but I do know there are millions and millions just like me. I understand there is no good reason to demand the vaccine passports, and I believe the shrill demands that everyone get vaccinated is a push to get the vaccine numbers high enough to make the vaccine passport viable.
Once it becomes normal to flash a smart phone vaccine passport to enter a shopping mall or grocery store, the fuckheads who are driving all this will have won. They will be able to switch on or off permission to live an ordinary life at will. They'll start with vaccines and slowly add features until they have your whole life under their thumb.
The temptation to set something like this up and turn it into a social credit score is just too delicious to pass up. Imagine being able to wreck an enemy's life with the click of a mouse. Caitlin wrote another irritating piece on Medium? Bah, click! No more internet for her!
And they are so close. SO. CLOSE. All they have to do is scream a little louder, push a little harder and get those vaccine numbers up far enough so that there will be enough vaccinated people on board to make the program work.
Then we'll all learn a thing or two about what living in a totalitarian society really means.