The entire quixotic campaign against a virus as contagious as measles was titlting at windmills right from the start. People like to think they have control over nature, but the truth is there are some things we just can't do anything about no matter how hard we try.
Old age. Cancer. Death. Taxes. Covid. We're only human.
The vaccines suck. They barely work to prevent the spread or to keep you out of the hospital. We failed to beat covid with the vaccines, and the smack-you-upside-the-head proof is that the fscking virus is still running around infecting people. It infects if you are not vaccinated. It infects you if you ARE vaccinated. It infects you if you HAD IT ALREADY. It just infects you.
The masks suck. Some people wore them religiously. They got infected. Some didn't wear them. They got infected, too. Some people wore super strength medical gas masks. Infected.
The lockdowns REALLY sucked. People hid in their houses for months on end. Result: Infected. Oh, and a million small business closures and job losses.
Some people think one or all of these measures protected them from getting Covid. Result: stealth infection. They got infected but don't know it. But they shouldn't worry: they can still get infected again.
What to make of all this? Not a single God-damned measure we took to protect ourselves worked.
What to do next? Nothing. Just get used it. Your immune system will either save you or it will not. Just remember that the healthier you are, the more likely you are to get through a bout with Covid unscathed. Keep up your health!