The entire swamp of government loving, freedom hating reptilian critters are going to use this horrible war and crisis to advance their favorite tyrannical ideas. They don't care about people getting hurt and killed in Ukraine, they care about limiting freedom at home.
This guy somehow equates the defense of freedom with shutting down Bitcoin. He may not be aware, but you can use Bitcoin and Ethereum to help Ukraine. They were on Youtube the other night asking for direct donations. You could only donate through crypto, not dollars or any other currency. Crypto goes straight to their accounts.
Crypto protects the little guy from the theft of inflation and the thieves and scoundrels in government. They can't simply take it from you, they can't block it, and they can't steal it from you in the form of inflation. This is very frustrating for all these little Napoleons, so government lickspittles and guys like Greenburg here take every opportunity to try and encourage government to wreck it.
The good news is that they can try, but they'll fail. Bitcoin is a response to incessant government assaults on the value of money through inflation. It is also a response to efforts to permit the government to freeze, block, and seize your money from your bank account at will, demonstrated recently by the Canadian trucker convoy and funds seizures. Much the same way that government prohibition makes recreational drugs valuable and drives the black market, Government monetary misbehavior drives people into Bitcoin, and government will never stop misbehaving. If government never inflated money and didn't seize accounts, Bitcoin would not exist.
The tighter the Empire clenches its fist, the more bitcoins will slip through its fingers!