The restrictions ruined lives and businesses. They've never been done before and we made it through other serious plagues without behaving this way.
Most serious of all was strong arming people into getting those vaccines. They are not 100% safe and some people really have been hurt or killed by them. Don't you think people should be given a choice about injecting themselves with something that could hurt them?
It looks like you do. You have doubts about our leadership and their motivations. They devastated the economy and ruined lives with little to show for it--note that Sweden cruised through it about the same as everyone else. And Fauci may have greenlit the Frankenstein experiment in China that started the whole thing.
Vote the rascals out! The bible thumpers are gone and they ain't coming back. If you get tired of the Republicans and their brand of sanctimony we can always vote different Dems back in later on. But this batch? OUT!