The world is NOT unified against Russia, only the West and closest allies. The rest are happily trading with Russia.
China IS a friend of Russia. The hold military exercises together and are expanding trade between the two nations. Russia has what China needs and vice versa.
Biden IS a weak president and is pushed around by the neocons on his cabinet.
Europe DOES need Russian gas. Europe needs Russia more than Russia needs Europe.
Finally, it is not that Putin thought that he might be able to take Ukraine, he IS taking it.
What we should be asking is not went through Putin's head when he invaded, but what went through the American administration's heads when they pushed Ukraine to ignore the Minsk accord, trained troops on Russia's border, and refused to negotiate in good faith to prevent the war.
Not even they were dumb enough to believe he wouldn't invade, or that their actions were not outrageous provocations. No, they had a different plan.
Driven by an irrational hatred of Russia, an insatiable hunger for world domination and godlike hubris (the kind which goeth before a fall), they thought if they could provoke Russia into a war in Ukraine they could impose ultimate sanctions on Russia and ruin them. They also figured they would finally turn Russia into a permanent enemy which nobody could ever deny again.
They were right about the enemy part, but they were wrong about the destroy Russia part. Instead, the Russia economy has not only survived, but world oil prices have risen, making Russia stronger than ever. Russia has been pushed into China's arms and now they are firmly allied against us. Other countries have seen that foreign reserves held in the West are not sacred and can be stolen with the stroke of a pen. They are moving away from the dollar. Europe faces a cold winter and the inability to generate enough electricity to run industry.
Now, what should be going through OUR heads?
If you find you're in a hole, stop digging. The war is lost.
First, reject the neocon world dominating agenda and remove them from power. We cannot take on the whole world.
Second, allow Ukraine to come to terms with Russia before the whole country is destroyed. It will require territorial concessions. Russia is already sitting on the land they want and they can never be forced off of it. There is nothing left to lose, and there is the lives of Ukrainian soldiers to gain. Ukraine may yet keep Odessa.
Third, get our own financial house in order. Bring manufacturing back to America. Suffer the terrible recession and save the Dollar.
Finally, stop fucking with China. A war in Taiwan can still be averted. The Chinese ask is simple: Don't recognize Taiwan and don't place troops there. All we have to do is shut up and leave it alone.
We need to face reality and recognize that we as Americans owe the neocon scumbags in Washington nothing but derision. Our country is falling apart with internal division and the impoverishment of the middle class.
We need to look after OURSELVES before it's too late, not getting involved in what is essentially a civil war that has nothing to do with us in a far away land.
Give up imperial dreams of world domination. End the wars, close the bases, bring our troops home, get our house in order.
Don't worry, admiral Pacific and admiral Atlantic will keep us safe.