Stainless Steel Mouse
2 min readApr 11, 2022


There's nothing secret about it at all. They've been working together for years. They hold military games together, which means they are integrated enough on all levels to be able to work closely together and in trust.

Internationally, America is an aggressive bully, bent on conquering the world. These great foreign powers work together because they fear America and do not want to submit to American dominance. They know they must hang together or they will all hang separately.

I think America takes the wrong approach, but nobody cares what lonely libertarians like me think. A friendlier, less demanding foreign policy might result in happier and safer outcomes, but the die is cast. We are now in a proxy war with Russia which did not have to happen but now has. Our "with us or against us" attitude is pushing India into their arms and with India perhaps many other nations that would prefer to remain neutral.

If my statement that America is aggressive and bent on conquering the world surprises you, I can only point to the nearly 800 foreign military bases America maintains around the world, and which ring China and Russia in an ever tightening noose. Ukraine is just another piece on the Risk board to the American Neocon hardcases running the show in Washington, and their development of the hostile Ukrainian army on Russia's borders is one of the primary factors leading to this war.

Don't look at the player, look at the board. the player smiles and says Democracy! Freedom! Human Rights!, but the board says conquest and domination. And our geopolitical rivals can read the board as well as anyone. They know they score.

No matter how tough you think America is, we cannot take on the whole world. Our rivals are rivals and nothing is going to change that. But we do not have to FIGHT them. Good diplomacy and a change in policy can lead to detente, mutual respect and lasting peace. If we keep up the aggression, one of these days the nukes are going to fly.



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