"They’re ruled by an autocrat, Viktor Orban, who they just reelected easily."
Autocrats don't get elected. Self - rule.
So you are displeased with Hungary. They don't want to join this dubious proxy war against Russia. And they don't want to sacrifice their economy to spite Russia. Are those such strange positions? What's in it for Hungary?
NATO, as it always insists, is supposed to be a defensive organization. Of course that's not true, but let's pretend it is for a moment. Has a NATO country been attacked?
No it has not. Orban is doing the right thing by keeping Hunary out of a very dangerous war that's happening ON HIS BORDER. He is avoiding provoking Russia and avoiding damage to his economy. He correctly recognizes that Ukraine cannot win this war without direct NATO involvement and urges negotiation in good faith.
Oh, what a scoundrel! Negotiation instead of fighting! If only American leaders were so wicked! Our endless wars would finally be at an end.
But let's get one fact straightened out and speak plainly. NATO is an offensive alliance aimed at Russia. They have crept every closer over the last 30 years and spent the last eight years building and training a hostile army in Ukraine on Russia's border. NATO aims to weaken Russia, drive it down, and break it into pieces.
Russia isn't giving in without a fight, which is why they invaded Ukraine. The smart thing for the West is to recognize it pushed too far and that it cannot win this particular war. Make peace and leave Russia alone.
Russia has made it clear they'd rather destroy the whole world in a nuclear holocaust than be conquered by the West. Maybe...just maybe we should listen for once and back off.