This is a powerful illustration of just how controlled the mainstream media are in America If they have no instructions on a subject they report more or less honestly since it doesn't matter to anyone. They throw in their biases and misunderstand things pretty much as they always have. No big deal.
But when they get their orders from their masters offstage they snap to attention and start jabbering away with the new message. It becomes holy and sacrosanct and anyone opposing it is stupid, evil, deplorable, and contemptible. Traitors, even. It doesn't matter if the new message is 180 degrees opposite to the old message. It is now the truth, and you better fall in line.
It didn't used to be this way. Back in the 80's and 90's there was a lot of genuine pushback in the press. They held politicians, bureaucrats and spooks to account, and woe betide anyone who drew their unfriendly scrutiny.
Not anymore. Sometime in the last decade or so we watched the press become the lapdogs of the rich and powerful. There are now a wide variety of ex FBI and CIA agents working directly for some of the news outlets like it's no big deal, but in fact it means the media has essentially become state media.
Once you see and understand this it is impossible to unsee it. And once you see it you begin to resent the manipulation. You see how so many people, SO MANY are completely under its spell. I don't know how we'll ever be free of it.