Ukraine is losing this war. The press plays up every little victory, but there has been nothing major. A major victory would look like Mariuopol, with thousands of Russians marching to the POW camps, hands in the air. We haven't seen anything like that, yet.
The war hawks in the state department have openly stated that their purpose is to weaken Russia. If you were Ukrainian, what are you to think about that? They're being used to fight the bear, maybe deliver a couple of hard blows but they're getting mauled in the process.
Every time Rand Paul questions a state department candidate in the senate for confirmation he asks them, "Are you aware that the purpose of the State Department is diplomacy?" They always say yes, but I kind of think they don't understand the question. The only thing they know how to do is create chaos and start wars, not win them or get out of them.
Is this war really going to weaken Russia? The cost has been the ruination of Ukraine and a mountain of American treasure. Gas prices are going UP, not down, and what exactly does Europe have to trade that Russia MUST have?
This whole misadventure is a monumental fuck-up. We have driven Russia into the arms of China and strengthened their alliance against us. We have sanctioned OURSELVES as badly as we've sanctioned the Russians. We seized Russian currency reserves and proved we cannot be trusted financially.
Fantasies of driving Russia from Ukraine will end in tears. Russia is going to take a big bite out of Ukraine and people in Europe are going to be left with doubts about the effectiveness of American power. We should immedietly begin negotiations before Russia can take more territory or a key city like Odessa, which they will never cede at the negotiating table.