Well said, and thank you for that. I'd like to add that propaganda is generally for domestic and allied consumption, not for opponents. The goal is to keep people thinking and acting the right way--supporting, protecting and obeying the propagandizing power.
Can an individual engage in propaganda? I don't think so, but they can be part of the campaign or believers or repeaters of propaganda. This is one of Caitlin Johnstone's key issues, and if you look for her work on Medium you'll see what I mean. Propaganda is what makes and keeps the powers that be into, well, Powers.
The reason you can't say anything positive about Russia or talk seriously about peace is that very same propaganda and the nearness of conflict. As we get closer to fighting, more and more people will appear to resist your message with increasingly incoherent and emotional arguments. And if our countries should fall to fighting you are going to want to keep your mouth shut if your survival instincts are still healthy and strong.
At the moment there is still reasonable hope that we won't fight. A lot of people are just waking up to the possibility of fighting with Russia, and that maybe this isn't the usual yadda yadda. And anyone with a lick of common sense should be alarmed. Russia has enough nukes and the hypersonic missiles to deliver them to END CIVILIZATION on planet Earth. They are not to be trifled with no matter what you think of their government or behavior.
Our home grown war factions just can't seem to remember those nukes or take them seriously anymore. At least nuclear winter should put a stop to global warming!