Stainless Steel Mouse
2 min readJul 7, 2022


Well, there's this:

But hey, I'm with you. Anything the Washington Post says should be taken with a a big, big dose of salt.

But then there is this (looks like a Ukrainian source):

And this

Oh, and uh, this one here. (It's the corruption crusaders who steal the most, don't you think?)

That's a good one, with lots of juicy details, including this tidbit here:

"The Pandora Papers disclosed that since 2012, an offshore company affiliated to Kolomoiskyi’s 1+1 group at least once paid more than $1 billion to Zelenskyy’s offshore firm SVT from the British Virgin Islands, for the popular TV show “Make a Comedian Laugh” created by Kvartal 95. And Maltext owns half of SVT."

Substantial enough for you? Corruption still "laughable?"

But honestly, I don't really care. I brought it up because it was in the OP, and a lot of people think Zelensky's status as a totally corrupt politician stealing from his own people as fast as he can is important.

But I don't. I figure most politicians are corrupt and can only aspire to Zelensky's superior grifting skills. No, Zelensky is beholden to the right wing of his party and his foreign masters. And the right wing of Ukraine is in bed with Washington. He does what he's told and that's about it.

What matters are what the neocon monsters in Washington are up to. They're the ones most responsible for getting this war started and keeping it going.



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