What a terrible thing to say. Who gets the grunt work done in America but lower income people? Who drives the trucks, who serves you at your restaurant?
Just because a job or an industry is poorly paid or low margin doesn't mean it doesn't need to be done. As a matter of fact, it is a sign that the industry is MORE necessary, not less. Farming, trucking, mining...all these things take place in red states and you cannot live without them.
Without these things, your happy liberal enclaves in the cities would crumble in a week. We don't need iPhones, but we must have wheat.
Who joins the service, in which so many liberals disdain? Did you become a liberal so you could look down your nose at the working class? How did you get to this place?
Liberals are sitting in their comfortable cities sneering at the dirty, poorly educated working class like French bourgeoisie expecting all the crappy jobs in the world will get done by someone else and not even knowing or caring how.
You are telling them to shut up and get back to work. Your party controls the media, your party controls finance, and yes, your party is the party of the corporations.
Don't believe me? Do you think it is conservatives in charge of Apple? Google? Hollywood and the media? Those are some of the corporations that make your favorite states so rich, and yet those same states are in debt up to their eyeballs.
Who has the terrible job of raising and slaughtering the pigs and chickens that put meat on your plate? who milks the cows?
Honestly, I have never seen a let them eat cake article quite like this one.