Stainless Steel Mouse
1 min readApr 23, 2022


What makes you think that voting fraud is confined to Republicans? Or Gerrymandering?

If you want to talk about voting fraud, there's this little town called "Chicago" that practically invented the practice. Or perfected it if you prefer. Home of the Democratic voting machine.

The Dems are corrupt through and through. You watched it in action right before your eyes with Bernie Sanders--TWICE!! and then go back and vote for 'em anyway. Don't get me wrong, the Republicans are also corrupt. They're just not as good at it, and not quite as flagrant.

Republican efforts to make voters show some form of I.D. get shot down all the time. Anyone who is against this common sense system (some Dems call it racist) knows that a no-I.D. system benefits their side in elections and opposes it for that reason.

I don't know what it is, but this shouldn't be difficult. You show up, you show your I.D. , mark your ballot and stick it in the box. Bi-partisan voting teams count them up. Boom, done. Computers should NEVER be used, and absentee ballots should probably be abolished.

Other countries manage to get this done without much trouble and have done so for many generations. But we just can't seem to do it. It's a testament to how corrupt we've become, and it is leading to some very serious consequences.



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