Stainless Steel Mouse
2 min readMay 30, 2022


When there is no cost to holding a false belief or to listening to liars, then people will do so. It can be comforting, and that's why propaganda works.

And that's why so many Americans can sit back and watch this war unfold while believing all manner of nonsense. They're told the Russians are solely to blame for the war, they are told the Russian army is incompetent and that it is losing thousands and thousands of men, and they are told the Ukrainians are winning.

Since there is no cost to believing these things, why not believe them?

But there is going to be a cost soon. A global famine is just a few months away, caused largely by this war. Food prices will go to the moon along with fuel and fertilizer prices. Some countries are simply not going to have enough to eat, and this will spark revolutions, maybe even in places in Europe.

In America we will not starve, but the inflation is going to drive people into poverty. All that misery is going to want an answer, and the answer is that our lying sack of a government has spent all the money on its stupid war games and corporate welfare and now you are broke and can't afford to heat the house.

That's when people start to say, "Wait a minute...were these sanctions on Russia such a good idea? Why couldn't we have negotiated a peace so we could get the oil and food flowing again? Why did the war have to start at all?"

That's when we start seeing real political change in the West.



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