You are wrong about this. Continuing to attack other countries will result in nuclear war and Russia understands this. They won't do it.
Or they don't understand it and we are all going to die. I'm betting they get it.
Ukrainian resistance only leads to more death and destruction. Best to cut a deal now while they still have leverage, not after Russia destroys their army.
About the Russian speakers--it depends on who they want to belong to. The Russian speakers who live in the Donbas formed their own army and have been fighting against Ukrainian forces ever since the coup in 2014. I imagine they are pretty happy to see Russia enter the war.
Crimea voted overwhelmingly to join Russia after the bloodless invasion following the coup. Of course that election is highly suspect, but I suspect the pro Russian sentiment was already there. I have not read any stories of Crimean resistance to Russian rule after the annexation.